PCTG高温料 EX501 食品级 耐化学性

Tritan™ PCTG EX501

>PCTG< 热变形温度: 101 °C 符合规定: FDA材料特性: 高清晰度•无定形•抗跌落冲击•残余应力小•耐热水•耐化学性•耐清洁剂•耐蒸汽•耐用•低气味转移•低味道转移•抗污•蒸汽灭菌•共聚酯材料用途: 洗碗机•奶瓶•婴儿用品•瓶子•婴儿护理•食品接触应用•挤出吹塑成型应用•注塑成型应用•注射拉伸吹塑(ISBM)应用

Eastar BR303 Copolyester

Eastar™ BR303 copolyester is a brilliantly clear polymer with excellent impact strength, chemical resistance, and low shrinkage, making it a great choice for toothbrush applications.

Sales Specifications

Eastar BR403 Copolyester

Eastar™ BR403 copolyester is a water-clear polymer that is great for toothbrush applications. It will not crystallize and thus offers wider processing latitude than conventional crystallizable polyesters while still providing an excellent combination of clarity, toughness, and melt strength.

Eastar DG011 Glass Filled Polyester

Eastar™ copolyester DG011 contains 10% glass fiber as well as a mold release agent. Its most outstanding features are excellent chemical resistance, toughness, heat resistance, contact clarity, ease of processing, hydrolytic stability, and increased modulus or stiffness.

Eastman Cristal AN001 共聚酯

Eastar™ copolyester DG021 contains 20% glass fiber as well as a mold release agent derived from vegetable based sources.

Eastman水晶 AN004 共聚酯

Eastar™ Copolyester DN001HF has excellent flow characteristics while maintaining superior mechanical properties. It is easy to process and has exceptional clarity, toughness, and chemical resistance.

Eastman水晶 AN014 共聚酯

Eastar™ Copolyesters are brilliantly clear polymers that have excellent impact strength, chemical resistance, dimensional stability, and low shrinkage rates. DN003 contains a mold release.

Eastar DN004 共聚酯 - 自然色

Eastar™ DN004 共聚酯是极其透明的聚合物,是我们用于化妆品和个人护理包装应用的最坚韧的材料。它非常防碎,并具有出色的耐化学性。 DN004 含有脱模剂。

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